Finding Sunlight
It’s beginning to be that time of year on the West Coast where there is an in between. Not wet, but certainly not dry; it’s that kind of dampness that just sets in and embraces the Lower Mainland....
View ArticleBreathing New Life
Isn’t it amazing how a new year can breathe life back into you? It has been a while since I’ve REALLY posted here and I must say, I’ve missed it. I’ve missed you. I apologize to anyone who may have...
View ArticleWhere the cranes stand in third position
Join me in the last of light. Where the cranes stand in third position. Where the grass grows tall and the trees grow thin. This is where you’ll find me.
View ArticleBegin Again
The other day I heard the word “Fear” defined as an acronym for “future events appearing real.” Not many of you know, but in 2014 I suffered from pretty crippling anxiety. This anxiety stemmed from...
View ArticleEndometriosis
This is a pretty long post, and if you make it to the end, I want to thank you for being here and taking this journey with me as I put this whole thing into words. I am not looking for sympathy, this...
View ArticleMount Koya
Bryson and I recently hit our 9th month of living in a city centre. As convenient and exciting as it is living in such a high traffic area, nothing beats escaping to the mountains for a breath of fresh...
View ArticleNo Longer Lost
Hello beautiful platform, thank you for waiting. It’s been a while. Last time we spoke, Bryson and I had just hiked and stayed overnight on top of a sacred mountain. A few days later, we started...
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